Where has Sindy Cruz been?

I've been thinking for the last couple of weeks how to start this since I've been MIA for the past four months. This blog means the world to me, so I feel disappointed with myself for not prioritizing the time and effort to share my journey with you all. Thank you to each one of you for your patience and for sending an encouraging message that you are looking forward to my next post. As well, asking if everything is going ok. You are much appreciated!

So, where have I been for the past four months?! 

1. Well, remember on the first blog I mentioned that I was in the market for jobs? Well, God was definitely listening because in October 2018 I started my first official job at Partners HealthCare. It feels great to be working, contributing to something close to my heart. Since Partners HealthCare, is founded by Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and affiliated with Spaulding Rehab Hospital, where I got my care from my Spinal Cord Injury, it feels right. Coming as a patient perspective and now an employee, I see how hard and the effect each person has when my employer has the best doctors and care within MA. 

I know working full-time shouldn't be an excuse to not be as engaging as I should. But, in all honesty, been having trouble finding that balance between work and personal things. I am learning more things about myself and setting more goals.

2. For winter break, my family and I went on our annual vacation to celebrate the Holidays and it was such an eye-opener for me. As well, the time difference killed me. I got adjusted to California's time so my sleeping schedule got messed up. 

3. I stopped physical therapy which, to be honest, I am not happy with myself because as a person with SCI, you must always keep moving. As well, your body adjusts to not doing anything, your muscles weaken and body gets stiffer, especially in the cold weather. So lately, I've been dedicating at least 2-4 times to work out by playing Just Dance with the Wii. I am really looking forward to the warmer weather to go out and enjoy being outdoors to exercise.

One thing I miss is working out with battle ropes which, is somewhere at my parent's house but need to find. They are really great to work out with to burn off calories and build muscle. 

4. Speaking of my parent's house, I've moved back with my family. I love MA but the rent here is expensive. Although my family's house is not wheelchair friendly, I am making the most of it and saving money in hopes to purchase my own place where I can be fully independent again.

5. As well, not going to go in complete details but been connecting with a few people regarding a project something close to my heart. These kinds of things time take so when hopefully the time is right, I will share that with you. 

I am truly grateful that my words mean something and that we can connect on some level. Please let me know if you have any questions or want to know how I am adapting to situations on accessibility at home. As well, if you want to share some exercise tips to do at home or would like to know other equipment to workout I've used. 


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